1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose

  • Exploring the Relationship Between Volumes, Crashes, and Speeds

1.2. Unit for Analysis

  • Space within a half-mile straight-line buffer from the permanent count location

  • Census Block Group (for Population Density)

2. Data

2.1. Basic Information of Data

  • Location: Oregon, Virginia, Washington D.C.

  • Analysis Year: 2018-2023

  • Used Data Type: Bike & Pedestrian count (volume), Crash , Census Block group, Land Use, Speed

  • Data Source/Year

Data Source Year
Bike/Pedestrian Counts BikePed Portal 2018–2023
Bike/Pedestrian–involved Crash ODOT*, VDOT, DDOT 2018–2023
Land Use (Zoning) Type–DC Open Data DC 2016
Land Use (Zoning) Type–OR Oregon GEOHub Data 2023
Land Use (Zoning) Type–VA Arlington Virginia ACMaps 2021
Census Block Group Population & Land Area–DC Open Data DC 2020
Census Block Group Population & Land Area–OR Oregon GEOHub Data 2020
Census Block Group Population & Land Area–VA Virginia Open Data Portal 2020
Speed–DC, OR, VA RITIS 2018–2023

*Note that ODOT provides crash data with location information through 2022. Since location information is a very important feature in this study, only cases where the location of each crash case was provided were analyzed.

2.2. Daily Bike/Ped Volume Data Count by State: 2018-2023

Following characteristics of pedestrian and bike volume and crash counts are accumulated of each permanent count location

3. Where do Bike/Ped Crashes Occur?

3.1. Population Density & Bike/Ped Crash

3.2. Bike/Ped Volume & Bike/Ped Crash

3.2.1 Bike Volume & Bike Crash by Land Use Type

3.2.2. Pedestrian Volume & Pedestrian Crash by Land Use Type

4. When do Bike/Ped Crashes Occur?

4.1. Yearly Trend

4.1.1. Bike Volume & Bike Crash

4.1.2. Pedestrian Volume & Pedestrian Crash

4.2. Monthly Trend

4.2.1. Bike Volume & Bike Crash

4.2.2. Pedestrian Volume & Pedestrian Crash

5. Speed

5.1. Characteristics of Speed by State

5.2. Relationship between Volume,Speed, and Crash