
In addition to being able to download data from each page in PORTAL, the Downloads page provides the opportunity to download data over longer time frames, multiple locations, or both.

Highways Data


Highway data can be downloaded from this section by selecting the start and end date of interest, days of week, format, highway of interest, and temporal resolution. Multiple highway sections can be downloaded at once by holding the ctrl key and clicking on the desired highway in the Highway menu.

This data is returned both by the Highways download form on the Downloads of the Portal website, and by the /highways/api/freewaydata endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
starttime Starting time of the data Date/Time Formatted String 2020-05-11T00:00:00-07:00
resolution Temporal Resolution of the data - valid resolutions are 20 seconds, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour and 1 day Time Formatted String 01:00:00
detector_id Detector ID along selected route Integer 100907
speed Average speed of vehicles passing the detector Float 59.0
volume Number of vehicles per hour which pass the detector Integer 16
occupancy Percentage of time cars are being detected Float .88
countreadings Sample Size Integer 28
delay Vehicle Hours Traveled, minus the time it would take a vehicle to travel at the maximum permitted speed on a segment Float 0.01
traveltime The average amount of time for a vehicle to travel through a segment Float 0.4
vht Vehicle Hours Traveled - the total hours traveled within a segment by all vehicles Float 0.11
vmt Vehicle Miles Traveled - the total miles traveled on a segment by all vehicles Float 6.24

In order to calculate distance traveled, divide vmt by volume.

A tutorial on using the Highways function can be found here.

Stations Metadata

Information on the individual stations in the network can be downloaded from this section; the highwayid attribute is used to join these values to Highways and Highway Metadata. The stationid attribute can be used to join these values to Detector Metadata.

This data is returned both by the Stations Metadata download form on the Downloads of the Portal website, and by the /highways/api/stationmetadata endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
stationid The unique station ID value of each station Integer 3154
highwayid The unique highway ID value of the highway on which the station is located Integer 10
milepost The mile post location of the station on the highway Float 0.25
locationtext Description of the location of the station String Wilshire (2DS043) @ SB OR 217 MP0.25
length Length of segment in miles Float 0.185
numberlanes Number of lanes at the station - returned as an empty value in most queries Integer (Null)
agencyid Station ID issued by agency maintaining the station Integer 321
x_coord Longitude of station Float -122.78043
y_coord Latitude of station Float 45.50622
active_dates Provided as a set of key: value pairs; lower indicates the initial active date of the station, upper indicates the date the station was deactivated String {""lower"": ""2014-04-29"", ""upper"": null, ""bounds"": ""[)""}

An interactive map of all the stations in the network can be viewed here.

Detector Metadata

Information on the individual detectors at each station can be downloaded from this section; the highwayid attribute is used to join these values to Highways and Highway Metadata. The stationid attribute can be used to join these values to Detector Metadata.

This data is returned both by the Detector Metadata download form on the Downloads of the Portal website, and by the /highways/api/stationmetadata endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
detectorid The unique detector ID value of each detector Integer 102017
stationid The unique station ID of the station at which the detector is located Integer 5207
highwayid The unique highway ID value of the highway on which the detector is located Integer 54
milepost The mile post location of the station on the highway Float 36.15
detectortitle Agency given name (if any), or repeat of id value String or Integer 205es03615:_MN___1
lanenumber PORTAL lane number; 1 is the leftmost lane, regardless of agency jurisdiction Integer 1
agency_lane Agency issued lane number, where 1 is leftmost lane for ODOT, rightmost lane for WSDOT Integer 1
active_dates Provided as a set of key: value pairs; lower indicates the initial active date of the station, upper indicates the date the station was deactivated String {""lower"": ""2017-04-06"", ""upper"": null, ""bounds"": ""[)""}

An interactive map of all the stations in the network can be viewed here.

Highways Metadata

Information on the highways in the system can be downloaded from this section.

This data is returned both by the Highways Metadata download form on the Downloads of the Portal Website, and by the /highways/api/highwaymetadata endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
highwayid The unique ID value of each highway Integer 616
direction Cardinal direction of traffic flow (or CONST for construction) String EAST
highwayname Name of Highway String R2 Beltline Hwy
oppositehighwayid ID of highway with opposite flow (or null value, if none) Integer 617

Travel Time Data

Aggregated Travel Time

This data is returned both by the Aggregated Travel Time download form on the Downloads of the Portal Website, and by the /traveltime/api/aggregatedsegmentcalcs endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
average_travel_time Average travel time of segment in minutes Float 151.4
countreadings Sample Size Integer 5
id Unique ID value of aggregation Integer 2386933463
resolution Temporal Resolution of the data - valid resolutions are 5 minutes or 1 hour Time Formatted String 00:05:00
segment_id Unique ID, used to join with segment inventory metadata Integer 2264
starttime Start time of chosen resolution Date and Time Formatted String 2019-07-10T00:00:00-07:00

Some additional clarification for how travel times are calculated and used can be found on theDefinitions page, under the Travel Time Page: Travel Time and General: Influence Area headers.

Raw Travel Time

This data is returned both by the Raw Travel Time download form on the Downloads of the Portal Website, and by the /traveltime/api/segmentcalc endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
below_min_filter Integer 0
calc_confidence_interval Float 47.62680841791146
calc_variance Float 1910.7777233115469
exceeded_max_filter Number of returned data points which exceeded the max filter for the segment Integer 0
segment_calc_time Date and Time Formatted String 2019-07-15T08:10:13.870000-07:00
segment_id Unique ID of Highway Segment Integer 2264
segment_travel_time Integer 250
std_deviation_calc_samples_removed Number of samples removed from the data prior to return Integer 3
std_deviation_filter_value Float 625.985307791092

Some additional clarification for how travel times are calculated and used can be found on theDefinitions page, under the Travel Time Page: Travel Time and General: Influence Area headers.

Travel Time Segment Inventory

This data is returned both by the Travel Time Segment Inventory download form on the Downloads of the Portal Website, and by the /traveltime/api/seginventory endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
active Indicator of whether the segment is active in the system Boolean true
beginning_dcu ID value for DCU at start of segment Integer 535
calculation_period Integer 10
calculation_threshold Integer 30
end_dcu ID value for DCU at end of segment Integer 533
minimum_lanes_reporting If beginning_dcu and end_dcu are present, this is a null value. Otherwise, it is 0.5 Float 0.5
minimum_samples Minimum number of samples required to produce a data point Integer 3
segment_id Unique ID of Highway Segment Integer 2667
segment_length Length of segment, as measured between beginning and end DCUs Integer 100
segment_maximum_filter Integer 1000
segment_minimum_filter Integer 10
segment_name Name of Segment String Powell Blvd EB at SE 8th to SE 33rd
segment_type Integer 1
source_system TravelTime, DAC (Data Acquisition Component), ATMS, or null String TravelTime
standard_deviation_multiplier The multiplier used in calculating standard deviation - typically 1.65 or 1.96 Float 1.65
standard_deviation_samples Integer 30
station_id Agency given name or ID value, null if none issued Integer null
use_standard_deviation_filter Boolean true

Travel Time DCU Inventory

This data is returned both by the Travel Time DCU Inventory download form on the Downloads of the Portal Website, and by the /traveltime/api/dcuinventory endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
active Indicator of whether the detector is active in the system Boolean true
location_type Intersection or free flowing traffic String Intersection
dcu_id Unique ID value; if preceded by -, if location_type is free flowing traffic Integer 556
dcu_name Name of intersection, if location_type is intersection. Numeric, matching dcu_id, with name appended if location_type is free flowing fraffic String SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy at SW Capitol Hwy
geom.type Always Point, allowing for coordinate values. String Point
geom.coordinates.0 The longitude of the Point specifying the DCU Float -122.69778
geom.coordinates.1 The latitude of the Point specifying the DCU Float 45.47809
longitude The longitude of the Point specifying the DCU Float -122.69778
latitude The latitude of the Point specifying the DCU Float 45.47809
highway Name of highway on which the detector is situated String B-H
roadway_number Integer 1
milepoint Null for free flowing traffic. Float value for intersections Float 0.0
owner Agency name String City of Portland

Other Download Categories

Aggregated CLS

This data is returned both by the Aggregated CLS Data download form on the Downloads of the Portal Website, and by the /freight/api/aggregatedbindata endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
aggregated_records Number of records sampled to created each data point Integer 104
bin_count Count of vehicles by classification bin Integer 0
bin_type Description of classification bin - either length or speed String length
bin_number Classification bin number. These Classifications can be seen in the next table Integer 4
bin_resolution Temporal resolution of the data - valid resolutions are 15 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day Time Formatted String 01:00:00
bin_time The timestamp for the data value, to a granularity of 20 seconds Date and Time Formatted String 2019-07-10T00:00:00-07:00
id The record id value used by the API framework Integer 938253264
lane Lane in which the data was collected. Lane 1 is the left most lane Integer 3
stationid Unique id value of the collection station; corresponds to the agencyid in the stations metadata Integer 54

Bin Number Classifications:

Bin Number Vehicle Length
1 0-20 ft.
2 20-35 ft.
3 35-60 ft.
4 60-120 ft.

More information about Vehicle Length data can be seen here..

Voyage Volume

This data is returned both by the Voyage Volume download form on the Downloads of the Portal Website, and by the /arterial/api/voyagevolume endpoint of the API.

The following data are provided:

Name Description Type Example
controller_id ID value of detector controller Integer 4258
logtime Time slice of requested date range Date and Time Formatted String, including Start and End timestamps 2017-01-03T00:07:00-08:00
period Temporal Resolution in minutes - Data is currently only returned in 15 minute intervals Integer 15
detector_1_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_2_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_3_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_4_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_5_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 5
detector_6_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 3
detector_7_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_8_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_9_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 4
detector_10_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 4
detector_11_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_12_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_13_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_14_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_15_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_16_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_17_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_18_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_19_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 1
detector_20_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 1
detector_21_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 1
detector_22_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_23_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_24_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 2
detector_25_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 3
detector_26_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_27_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_28_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_29_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_30_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_31_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0
detector_32_volume Volume recorded by individual detector Integer 0

Transit Quarterly Data

This data is returned both by the Transit Quarterly Data download form on the Downloads of the Portal Website, and by the /transit/downloadquarterlydata endpoint of the API.

The data is returned as a Zipped CSV file. The data provided in the CSV file are as follows.

Name Description Type Example
summary_begin_date The start date of the fiscal quarter requested Date and Time Formatted String 02DEC2018:00:00:00
route_number TriMet bus route number Integer 2
direction 0 if departing from route origin, 1 if returning to route origin Integer 0
service_key String S
stop Number of stops made on route Integer 100
location_id TriMet stop ID number Integer 9301
ons Number of riders embarking Integer 121
offs Number of riders disembarking Integer 2
total Aggregate of ons and offs Integer 123
estimated_load Integer 175
cumulative_ons Aggregate of ons over route history Integer 176
cumulative_offs Aggregate of offs over route history Integer 2
lifts Lift usages as a fraction of all stops in decimal notation Float 0.6818181818

Last Updated: 2020-09-16
